Silvère Laing
Keyboard /Singer
Gospel, R&B, Neo soul, Pop, Funk, Jazz, etc
ブロンクス・New York出身、12歳から独学でピアノを勉強し始めた彼はニューヨークの教会を始めとして、自分の中にある情熱をぶつけていくことになった。幼少期からずっと歌っていた彼は、ピアノスキルを磨いている間にその繊細な歌声を認められて NAAGP(The National Associationfor the Advancement of Colored People)に出演。さらに日本ではHitonホテル、Gonradホテル、Billboardでの演奏を定期的に行っており、グラミー賞受賞者ジーン・ノーブルとの共演経験もある。ソウルでは、韓国で有名なEVANSでの出演を果たした経歴を持つ。さらに、クラシック、ジャズピアノなどの教養もあり、マルチプレイヤーとして教会や、様々なジャンルのスタジオセッションでRock!azz/Gospel/RnBなど多岐に渡って挑戦している野心家。
現在、Modern Loops Society というNeo soul/RnBバンドを持ち関西を拠点とした活動を続けながら、ゴスペルボーカルグループのキーボード担当として日本各地をまわっている。そんな彼は日本でNew yorkのJazzy Gospel スタイルを広めていきたいという夢を持っている。
Born in the Bronx, NY, Silvère Laing began to teach himself to play piano at the age of 12.
Beginning in church, he learned to express his music through passion, sense and feel only church-bred musicians could. While learning piano, he combined his new talent with his singing, which he had been doing from his early childhood, to further improve his musical skills. This gave him the opportunity to perform for the NAACP. As he became older, he got the opportunity to take lessons in both Classical and Jazzy piano.
Over the years, Silvère played for multiple churches in New York, various studio recording sessions, as well as with singers and bands of different genres such as Rock, Jazzy, Gospel, R&B, and more all around New York City. After moving to Japan, he has continued to bring his New York style of music overseas. He has played piano and sung at such places as The Hilton and Conrad Hotel, at the Billboard Osaka, various restaurants and churches, at South Korea's famous Evan's Jazz club located in Seoul, and has worked with Grammy Award Winner Gene Noble. Silvère hopes to continue to spread his New York Jazzy Gospel style to Japan and all over the world.